Saturday, April 2, 2011

Where I'm From

I am from the piano bench of my grandmother
from diet coke and laffy taffy.
I am from the brown house with maroon doors on east 9th street
clean, tidy, and warm with love.
I am from the willow tree at grandma and grandpas
the forest of trees that tell
childhood games of hide and go seek.

I am from mashed potatoes with gravy and soft hearted eyes
from Delton and Jeannine, Ed and Rosie.
I’m from poker players and quilters,
from “try your best son”
and “I’m proud of you”.

I’m from Grace Lutheran Church
from Norwegian Lutheran heritage
and middle row sitters.

I’m from Sisseton, SD in Roberts County,
strawberries and pie.
From the hardworking grandfather,
the best friend grandmother,
and the supporting parents.

My pictures can be found in the same place as yours,
in an album.
However, my memories are found in an album only I can open-
my heart.

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